联系招生处 & 记录办公室
Email: uhmcar@hnkkl.com
Call: 808-984-3267
招生 & Records, University of Hawaiʻi Maui College, 310 W. HI 96732,卡胡卢伊,卡胡卢阿人奴大街
Georgette Tanaka -招生,VA,国际
Active Duty Military, Military Dependent, Veteran, Hawaii-Based National Guard
1. 联系招生处 & Records office (Ho'okipa Building) at (808) 984-3267 for specific, individualized help.
2. 提交申请
3. 收到你的录取通知书
You'll receive a letter that informs you if your application has been accepted or denied. If accepted, the letter will also include important information on your first steps to enrolling.
4. 注册一个UH帐户
This account is needed to register for classes, establishes your “hnkkl.com” email account and for is used for many other transactions. Go to: MyUH门户 - Click on "Get a User Name" on the upper left to establish your account. - Follow the directions on the web pages to get your user name and password.5. Determine if you need to take the Placement Tests
位置测试, 还有一个学术顾问, is used to place students in appropriate English and Math courses. 你必须选英语 & EdReady数学分班测试- Do not meet one of the alternate placement measures. (link here to the Alternate Placement Factors document.)
- 正在攻读学位(分类学生).
- Are Non-degree seeking (unclassified) student taking 8 or more credits
- 是被提前录取的学生吗.
EdReady测试可在 学习中心 在开放时间内,可以预约. (maui.hnkkl.com/tlc) Please bring your Student ID number and a picture ID with you to testing. 不允许使用计算器.
6. 参加新生迎新活动
New Student Orientation (NSO) is mandatory for all recent high school grads. Transfer and returning students are welcomed and encouraged to attend! Come prepared for 4 hours of fun and useful information!7. 退房并申请经济援助.
全球网赌十大网站鼓励学生 完成FAFSA as early as they can in order to get the most favorable financial aid award. The FAFSA is available starting October 1 of every year for the following school year. To optimize your financial aid awards, please complete your FAFSA 到3月1日.你仍然可以申请 FAFSA 3月1日以后, but be prepared to pay for tuition and other expenses until you are awarded financial aid, 如果符合条件. 注:全球网赌十大网站联邦学校代码是001615.
8. 向学术顾问咨询.
9. 准备注册. 细节:
如果你有任何问题, please give us a call at (808) 984-3267 or toll free at (800) 479-6692 or stop by the 招生 & 档案办公室(Ho’okipa Building)求助.
Military tuition assistance pays the cost of tuition and additional fees for most active duty service members. Each service branch determines eligibility criteria.
All Active Duty Service Members (including Guard and Reserve) must contact their Education Service Officer (ESO) or Education Counselor within your branch of service prior to enrolling in any college or university.
学费 Assistance Application Procedures for Military Services:
Visit our UH Maui College Bookstore website for information on the estimated price of books and other course materials.
See average yearly estimated cost of attendance, including tuition, fees, books and other course materials, and other costs.